Friday, June 27, 2014

Recovery: Day #1

Claire is recovering well so far.  Because they did so much inside of her tummy today, they will be keeping her pretty sedated for the next 72 hours so that she doesn't move around and her body is allowed time to heal although she isn't cooperating very well so we've been trying to hold her still and keep her calm as much as we can.  She's a feisty one and doesn't like all of her tubes.  It's hard to see her like this.

And ... she left us her first note, "please don't touch my booty."


  1. So sweet that the note is from Claire. Xx I remember how hard it was to watch Mirabel be uncomfortable and struggle when there was nothing I could do. Holding you in love.

  2. We will continue to pray for her speedy recovery from the surgery, and especially for peace for your hearts as you care for her. I cannot imagine the heart-pangs you must be feeling right now, both hope and joy. You are so strong!! She is blessed to have such a wonderful family!
