Sunday, April 26, 2015

Ten Months

TEN months!!  She made it to the double digits!  

Claire is 26 inches long (2nd percentile) and weighs 16lb 5oz (14th percentile). She is wearing 3-6mo clothes.

She has started rocking on her hands and knees. Her favorite thing is bouncing up and down on her knees or when being held. She started clapping this month and waves her arms up and down when we say "yay!" She loves to laugh and she has started "yelling" when she gets excited. She loves attention and has a smile to share with anyone who will give it to her. She also started standing (if propped) but she will only stay if food is involved ;). 

We were able to give her her first "bites" of food at speech therapy and she did fantastic! She has figured out "biting" with her front teeth but not "mashing" with her gums so that is what we are focusing on so that she can move onto things other than pureés. She is also getting pumped breast milk through a preemie nipple.

In physical therapy we are working on crawling, reaching, and putting weight through her arms and legs.

Thank you for loving our girl and for continuing to follow her journey. We appreciate you all so very much!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Amelia Update!!!!!

We are so excited to share our FIRST Amelia update!!!  I'm sure we'll be full of updates soon when she's finally in our arms, but for now, information is few and far between so you can imagine how excited we are about this first update!!

Isn't she just beautiful?!

Along with the pictures, we received a very thorough developmental evaluation! The information confirmed our suspicions that Amelia is most likely left alone in her crib. She is 16 months old and is not yet able to sit on her own and she doesn't know how to hold/play with toys. It says that any tactile stimulation makes her cry which means that she probably isn't ever held :(. She also has trouble tracking objects with her eyes, she doesn't make any sounds (talking/babbling), and she doesn't turn her head toward sounds which makes them think that she doesn't hear well. We won't know what any of this truly means until we are home and able to get her medical attention but it definitely makes us want to hurry through this process so that she can have the love and care that she so desperately needs!

Additionally, we requested any photos that they had of her (the ones in her file are a year old) four weeks ago and all of the pictures that they sent on Friday were taken within a 16 minute time span. It seems unusual that the only pictures they would have over the last year were staged because we asked for pictures. Of course we are so very thankful for the pictures, they are all that we have! It just makes us sad that she doesn't have more and it further makes us wonder about her level of care.

Oh what a day it will be when we finally get to hold her in our arms!!!!! <3


Several of you have asked us about the name "Mimi" and where it came from. Reece's Rainbow is a non-profit organization that lists children with Down syndrome and other special needs who are available for adoption and also helps get them home! In order to maintain the privacy of the children who are listed, since it is a public site, they change the names of all of the listed children. Mimi is the name that was made up for Amelia just for their site. Her name IS Amelia and if we give her a nickname, it will most likely be Mia (Mee-uh), not Mimi ;). BUT if you mail a check to Reece's Rainbow, please do list that it is for "Mimi / The Howells" since that is what our account with them is under.

So here is where we are at with all of the paperwork / fundraising....

Our dossier is almost complete! We are literally just waiting on one document to come back from Oregon (Justin was born there) and we will be ready to send it. We have to mail a $10,000 check to our agency in order for them to submit our dossier to Poland so we hope to have that amount very soon so that we don't fall behind on getting that approved. After it is sent, it has to be translated and approved but we hear that it's a pretty quick process in Poland. Our USCIS (US Immigration) application was received on April 8th which puts as at about May 28th to receive that approval. After that is done, we will be ready to travel as long as we have all of our money in order!!  Our goal is to be fully-funded by that date (5/28) so that when we receive our travel date, we will be ready to go and can just focus on preparing to travel.  At this point, we could travel as early as the beginning of June!

The estimated total of are expenses is $35,126.88. The total of what we have both already paid ourselves and what we have raised so far is $12,794.70, meaning that we have $22,332.18 left to raise (in just 6 weeks).  It sounds like such a big number but knowing that we have already paid/raised 1/3 of it in just the last month is HUGE!!! It is such a testament to both the power and provision of God and to our generous friends! We do hope to have about $3,000 more as soon as possible in order to submit our dossier (a delay in submitting our dossier could set us further behind) and I've been working on even more fundraising projects to hopefully get a quicker return to help us meet that goal. I am planning to make Amelia (and her siblings) a book with the pictures and stories of all of those who helped to bring her home and I'm planning to make some artwork with the names to hang on the wall as well, we have such wonderful stories of generosity to share with them!!  THANK YOU for all that you have done in sharing our story, telling your friends and family about our fundraisers, and for helping us bring Amelia home <3.

Please keep sharing our links!:
Current Fundraisers:
FSP (tax-deductible donations):

Monday, April 6, 2015

Someone's Life Depends on It

A look into what we've been learning .... an adoption update .... and a LONG-awaited update on Miss Claire <3.

Isn't it funny how we can hear the same words / stories / Scriptures over and over and over but it isn't until we live it out that we finally have that "ah hah" moment? I don't know about you but this happens to me ALL the time!

The Scripture references adoption quite often in reference to our relationship with the Father and how we are "adopted" as His children through the sacrifice of His Son. As we are on our own journey of adoption, the parallels seem to just keep coming and coming. Some of them we are currently walking through and some we are yet to, but in our classes and in talking to other families, we have learned some really powerful things!

1. He loved you before He even knew you.

Amelia's medical record and photos haven't been updated since she was four months old (almost a year to-the-day ago) and yet we love her with a passion I can't even explain. There is so much that we don't know about her (we quite literally know next-to-nothing), yet our hearts ache for her. It doesn't matter what we find out when we finally meet her; what she is like, what medical issues she may have, she is OURS and we are in love!

Let that sink in ..... He loves you - all of you <3.  Because you're YOU; not because of anything you do or don't do, not because of the way that you look, not because of your IQ, not because of what you are or aren't capable of but just because you are.

2. He knows what is best for you, even if you don't know it ... yet.

We have read many stories about children in institutions being terribly mistreated, tied to their beds or to toilets, terrible abuse, malnutrition, lice and untreated parasites, babies left in their cribs day in and day out, the list goes on and on, and children die ... often. We see posts all the time of children who were listed and pass away, there was even a disclaimer in our application that we could do all of this and our child could pass away before we even get there, there just isn't care available for children with special needs. Families have shared with us that their children came home to the United States and don't even cry! They have cried so much without a response that they've stopped crying, even in response to pain (one story a mom shared with me, her daughter's hand was slammed in a car door and absolutely no tears were shed)!! And despite all of that, when their adoptive parents arrive to get them, the children often don't want to leave! They don't know anything but the institution, it is familiar to them and, in many cases, they have never seen outside of the four walls that they are in.

Many countries require the young children to voice that they want to go with the adoptive parents before the parents are able to leave the country with them. We have seen quite a few prayer request posts of parents who have fallen in love with their child, fundraised to the extent that it consumed their lives (often alienating family and friends in the process), left their other children, and flew across the world to adopt their child, and then arriving to find that their child doesn't want to leave and begging us all to pray that their unwilling child will want them.

He loves you ... He has something amazing for you, sometimes you don't even know what you're missing. But it does take great faith, a step into the unknown. He waits patiently for you to say yes to Him.

3. He loves you even when you aren't ready to love Him back.

Even if the children do take the leap of faith to leave with their adoptive family, especially for older children, the process of learning to let the walls down and to let their parents in takes TIME - sometimes years. I read blog posts through tears about parents who have waited and waited and patiently loved their child (only to receive anger and resentment in return) and the joy that they feel when months (or years) later, they receive the smallest glimpse of affection from them in return. It truly is beautiful! It is a long and painful process - but the reward is GREAT!

He patiently waits for you, He loves you regardless of the return.

4. Adoption is COSTLY!

$35,000 ... half a year's wages, three new cars, five years worth of private school tuition, two years worth of mortgage payments ... no matter how you look at it, adoption COSTS! And it's probably the #1 reason that most people run the other way when someone brings it up! It is, very literally, our only obstacle and it is truly a scary one - it's the reason we never even considered it until now - especially when we have student loan debt and a car that is, quite literally, at the end of its life. But then we look into the eyes of that sweet little girl and we realize that we HAVE to try - her very life depends on someone doing it! And the awareness and support for individuals with special needs isn't yet there for adoption to come from within her country. Fundraising ideas consume our thoughts, our dreams, our Pinterest, every spare moment is spent crafting or trying to make something we can sell, our budgets have all been cut, all of our social media has become consumed with fundraisers and updates, we can tell that certain friends have started "avoiding" us (we don't blame them!), we have become "crazy" of sorts ... but we know that that little life depends on it! And it's in these moments that we realize that we would do anything for that one life. That one life, who we don't even "know," who may or may not even like us,  who may or may not be what others would find "pretty or smart or athletic or _____," who may never reciprocate our love, who costs so much ... but who is far more than worth it.

It is such a small picture of what He did for you - He gave EVERYTHING for your one life and it COST Him, oh did it cost! He was bruised, He was spit on, He was despised, He was tortured, He gave His very life but He never once questioned whether or not you were worth it!

"I'll remind myself
Of all that You've done
And the life I have
Because of Your son

Love came DOWN and rescued me
Love came down and set me free
I am Yours
I am forever Yours
Mountains high or valley low
I sing out and remind my soul
I am Yours
I am forever Yours"
-Kari Jobe

I can NOT wait to hold that little girl in my arms <3. 

Adoption Update:

We have already acquired all of our documents, completed our home study, and completed all of our required adoption education.  We also have gone through all of the steps to gain approval from the Ministry in Poland to adopt Amelia as long as the rest of the process goes as planned. We submitted our i800a for USCIS (Immigration / Homeland Security) approval last week, this is the longest part of the process and is expected to take about 50 days.  Simultaneously, we are compiling our dossier to send to Poland. It is almost complete and ready to send, we are just waiting on a couple of documents to come back. Once we have everything, we will make a trip to Olympia to have everything apostilled and then we have to submit it to our agency with a $10,000 check and they will send it to Poland to be translated and reviewed.  We expect this entire process will be completed during the time that we are waiting for our approval from USCIS so it *should* not delay us at all. Once we have that approval, we will just be waiting for our court date in Poland. Our agency expects us to travel at the end of May or in June.

We started a $10K in 10 days campaign on Facebook to raise the money needed in order to submit the dossier. We began on April 1 with a goal of submitting our dossier on my birthday, April 10 [I can't imagine a better birthday present!!! ... well maybe other than holding her in my arms ;)]. It doesn't look like we will quite be able to make that goal but we are CLOSE and so many have been so very generous.

After this next $10K is paid, we will have about $20K left to raise. We had a very successful photoshoot fundraiser, we are making/selling headbands, we have a parent's night out coming up on Saturday, I have done a couple of graphic design jobs, we have ordered supplies to make some beautiful necklaces (info to come soon!), we have a silent auction and lunch coming up on 4/25, we are looking at dates for a potential garage sale and/or car wash, and I'm sure we will keep coming up with more until we reach our goal [because someone's life depends on it!]! To date, we have $3,306 in our FSP ( and $275 cash on hand and we have already spent just under $5,000 of our own money. God IS faithful, we took a leap committing to Amelia with only two months to come up with $35,000 and no way of knowing how He was going to provide us with the necessary finances and it is HAPPENING! Thank you for so many of you who have been our answer to prayer <3. 

Please continue to cover us and this process in prayer - Amelia desperately needs someone to come and rescue her and we don't want her waiting one day longer than necessary!!!  I'm already praying over our trip - I don't know HOW we are going to leave Poland knowing there are still kids there who desperately need someone to come for them. I'm truly terrified of what we might find and I know my heart is going to break, it already is so burdened for these kids.

Claire Update:

I know you've been waiting way too long for a Claire update ....

Claire is doing AMAZING!  She is rocking therapy and she is such a joy! She has had ZERO new medical issues other than that she is still fighting the cold - 7 weeks and going strong on that one :-/. I feel like quite the zombie but we will take it, so so so much to be thankful for with this little one!

The only real challenge we have right now is that she's eating typical volumes for a 9 month old but she's still having to use the preemie bottle nipple so feedings take a looooooong time and restrict our day a bit but it's such a minor thing that we can't even complain! 

In physical therapy she is working on being on her hands/knees, reaching, core stability, putting weight through her legs, and holding things with BOTH hands (for some reason she does NOT like this). We even tried climbing stairs last week (she wasn't a fan!!).

In speech therapy (feeding), we are working on liquids and pureés. Our newest skill that we started working on last week is eating liquids in a seated position (still with a preemie nipple). Up until now, she has only been able to eat in a "side-lying" position. We get to try "chewing" for the first time next week! I am also hoping that she learns to hold her own bottle soon!!!

Here are some therapy pictures from this week:

Skill: Reaching!
Skill: Sitting and reaching
Skill: Balance while sitting and reaching
Skill: Holding things with BOTH hands
Her star on the wall! [Decorated by big sister, Anna]
And some more pictures just for fun!:

Claire modeling one of the headbands that we made as a fundraiser
Claire and her siblings with their Easter baskets

Friends, we have never been more touched by all of the love, support, kind words, and generosity.  THANK YOU for being our Cheerleaders and for taking the time to read about our journey <3.  Have a fantastic week!  Fight the good fight, we are cheering YOU on as well!!!