Friday, October 17, 2014

OHS Recovery: Day 4

Her fever finally broke and all of her tests came back with no sign of infection. Her general surgeon increased her irrigations again to 2x/day due to an ileus (blockage) and that seems to have helped a lot as well. She started having trouble again with her heart rhythm and it being too slow but we are just keeping an eye on it for now as her heart itself is still healing from surgery, hopefully it corrects itself in a couple of days. We had one very scary episode last night where she wasn't able to breathe on and off for about 5 minutes [but it felt like 60!] - most likely she had some secretions blocking her airway that she couldn't clear but eventually we got her calm and she's much better now! I'm so thankful that it happened here where we had lots of help and people trying to get her breathing again and not at home. They already told us that it earned us another night or two here so that they can continue to keep an eye on her though. She also lost some weight but we aren't worrying about that yet either since her body is still trying to recover.

"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" -Matthew 28:20

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