Thursday, October 15, 2015

Adoption Update: Progress!

Today is day four at the orphanage. Amelia is already starting to connect with us and is starting to make eye contact!!! 

We were talking today about how she has never been rocked to sleep or even just held by anyone but us. We see evidence of several protective and institutional behaviors that break our hearts but we are excited for the opportunity to show her love and to slowly help her break down the barriers she has already placed around her little heart from having everyone she has ever known come and go. 

Our translator blessed us with two space heaters and toys for the kids to play with, we found a mall to get some warmer clothes, and the kids are getting closer to being on the right schedule every day!! 

AND for the big news.... the judge approved our request for a shorter bonding period (2 weeks!), our adoption documents are being drafted as of today! The judge is going to call us on Monday to schedule a meeting either on Tuesday or Wednesday. After this, we will be able to take Amelia from the orphanage and start our official bonding period!!!!  After two weeks of official bonding, we will have our court date where the judge will ask us questions and the social worker and Amelia's legal guardian will testify to the adoption. Next we must wait through a 2-week appeal period before the judge's decision will be final and after that, we will be able to get her medical evaluation for traveling into the US, apply for her passport, visa, and new birth certificate! Then we can come home :). So all together, we have about 5.5 weeks left to go. 

Thank you for cheering us on!!  Please continue to pray for favor with the judge, for everything to go smoothly, and for Amelia's little heart.  We appreciate each one of you.

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