Tuesday, November 24, 2015

It's FINAL!!!

"It is finished"!!!!!!!!  She is redeemed <3.

The appeal period has passed and the judge's decision is final!  Amelia Grace Howell is ours forever and ever and ever.

As promised, lots of pictures ... and videos for your enjoyment!!!!

Feel free to share ... and shout it to the world!

And because it's on my heart, I would love it if you would take a moment to think about the 153 MILLION orphans still waiting for families. Scripture says: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." (James 1:27). There is NO qualifiers. It doesn't say care for the orphans when you have plenty of money or when your children are grown or when you're emotionally ready or when you have spare time or when you have enough vacation saved up at work ...... It says to care for the orphans. Please, in honor of Amelia's special day, promise us that you will take a few minutes to truly ask the Father how you can care for the orphans, He calls us ALL to and He will make a way for you. We had every excuse there is and look what HE has done <3!!  These children have faces and names. They are being neglected, malnourished, they are DYING. You don't need experience, you don't have to be "special," the Father has called you, HE will prepare you. A passion for Jesus IS a heart for the fatherless.

Thank you for supporting us on our journey! We have been so humbled by all of the support and love that we have been shown. You can expect to hear lots more from us in the days and years to come! God is good and we are BLESSED <3. 


  1. This is the best video! What a journey. :)

  2. Beautiful video . I loved it. Blessings to your family.

    Jo Ann C.

  3. Awwww just so super sweet, blessings to you all.
