Thursday, July 23, 2015

Our Final Day in Poland

We had another great day today!

When we arrived, Amelia was already crying and the moment I took her in my arms she fell asleep <3. We didn't get to spend as much time with her today because we had to have an appointment with an attorney and translator to sign our application to the court and a power of attorney so that our facilitator can communicate with the court on our behalf until we come back for our next trip. After the meeting, we went back to the orphanage. I got to feed her lunch with a spoon, she did great!! And then the sisters set up a little family photo shoot for us. Saying goodbye was harder than I imagined, I just couldn't find the strength to hand her back to them. I fell apart and I can now check "getting a long hug from a Polish nun" off the adoption checklist (yes, I nasty cried all over her outfit ... that will be a story for the baby book!).

After that, we drove the four hours back to Warsaw. We leave to head back home at 4am and it is 11:30pm now so it's time to get some sleep. THANK YOU for praying for us. Now we just need things to move quickly so we can get back here to our girl!

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