Sunday, January 11, 2015

Fevers & Another UTI

Hello friends!

We weren't expecting to have another update so soon but, as Claire has been teaching us all along, she likes to keep us on our toes. She has always had a difficult time with vaccinations so we expected her to feel yucky and have a fever after her six month shots on Thursday. However, late in the afternoon her fever was over 103 and stayed in the high 103s and low 104s all through the night, she was miserable. Thankfully her pediatrician was the one on call and he helped us through the night. She received her monthly RSV shot the following morning (Friday) and then, per his recommendation, we headed over to urgent care to have a few tests ran.

She had a catheter placed for a UA, another CBC, they irrigated her ears, and did a swab for the flu. She was negative for the flu (yay!) but very obvious UTI. She received the same IM antibiotic (shot in her thigh) that she had in the hospital in November for her last kidney infection and we went back on Saturday morning for the second dose. That made for 8 total shots over three days (and three days in a row at the pediatrician's office)! Thankfully the doctors have put in her chart that we aren't supposed to be in the waiting room so we get taken straight back to an open room which has been awesome! That keeps her away from most of the germs and, hopefully, from picking something up when we are there so often and, most times, they jump us right to the front of the line which we don't complain about either!! I think we should start calling her "Princess Claire" ;).

Today, they called with the results of the urine culture, it was the same bacteria from her kidney infection last time so we got to start an oral antibiotic today. We will go back in 10 days to re-test her urine and make sure that the infection resolved. And because she keeps getting these, we will also be seeing a urologist. Her pediatrician's theory is that she isn't emptying her bladder all the way (I guess they saw evidence of this when they did her VCUG in November) and she will also be getting another renal ultrasound on Friday to see how her kidneys look compared to the last one that they did which will help answer some of the questions as well.

Her fever finally broke on Friday and she has been much happier, although she still isn't sleeping!

Coming up this week ... she has Speech [feeding] therapy on Monday, PT and Pulmonology on Wednesday, and the renal ultrasound on Friday. I should have another update at the end of the week!

As always, thank you for cheering us on. We appreciate you all so much! It is such a blessing to feel surrounded by such an incredible army of prayer warriors and encouragers.

Here's some pictures of our princess:

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