Where has the time gone? Just 30 days and this pretty little lady will be ONE!
She weighs 15lb 11oz (4th percentile) and is 27 inches long (4th percentile). She is wearing 3-6 month clothes, size 2 diapers and size 1 shoes.
This month she started holding her own bottle!! Because she is drinking 11-month-old amounts through a preemie nipple, it takes her a looooooong time to finish a bottle so this is a very welcome milestone! She also started eating table foods this month. So far she has tried scrambled eggs, homemade vegetable/bean soup, toast, and cubed butternut squash. She has been consistently losing weight since her 10 month appointment so we will be adding olive oil (we can't add heavy cream yet since she isn't one but that's coming up next) to as many things as we can this month to try to see if we can get her at least maintaining and hopefully gaining again, there is also a concern that we may have to do some more testing because of her vocal cords/swallowing but we are going to wait a little longer to see if she improves on her own since solids are still quite new for her. Otherwise she is doing fantastic!
She also entered the "I only want my Mommy" stage this month, I am curious to see what happens when she finds out she is going to have to share soon. Her personality is shining more and more every day. She is hysterical, very expressive, and makes the best faces! She loves music, food, and bouncing and she hates [I mean, really HATES] baths. She favors her right hand for eating and "waving" and she kicks her right foot in and out when she gets excited! She has self-feeding with her hands/fingers figured out. She holds her bottle with her pinky up. She has started pulling up to her knees and she rocks back and forth on all fours. This month she also started reaching her arms up when she wants to be picked up AND she started sleeping in her crib in her room! She sleeps through the night (7:30pm-6:30am) most nights now that she's in her own room - her brother still doesn't sleep all night and was waking her up a lot when she was in our room.
I have *reluctantly* started planning her first birthday "Under the Sea" celebration! I just can't believe it's almost here already. We are so thankful for our little princess <3!